Selected Publications

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Books and Book Chapters

Silicon Photonics for High-Performance Computing and Beyond, edited by Mahdi Nikdast, Sudeep Pasricha, Gabriela Nicolescu, Ashkan Seyedi, Di Liang, 2022.

Silicon Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits, S. Srinivasan, A. Y. Liu, D. Liang, and J. E. Bowers, Chapter 15 in Fibre Optic Communication, 2012

Journal Articles

Recent progress in heterogeneous III-V-on-silicon photonic integration, D Liang, JE Bowers, Light: Advanced Manufacturing 2 (1), 59-83, 2021

Heterogeneous silicon light sources for datacom applications, D. Liang, G. Kurczveil, X. Huang, C. Zhang, S. Srinivasan, Z. Huang, M. A. Seyedi, K. Norris, M. Fiorentino, J. E. Bowers, and R. G. Beausoleil, Optical Fiber Technology, Vol 44, 43-52, 2017-12-10

Monolithically Integrated InAs/InGaAs Quantum Dot Photodetectors on Silicon Substrates, Y. Wan, Z. Zhang, R. Chao, J. Norman, D. Jung, C. Shang, Q. Li, MJ. Kennedy, D. Liang, C. Zhang, J. Shi, A. C. Gossard, E. L. Hu, K. M. Lau, and J. E. BowersOptics Express, Volume 25, Number 22, 27715-27723, 2017-10-30

1.3 µm submilliamp threshold quantum dot micro-lasers on Si, Y. Wan, J. Norman, Q. Li, MJ. Kennedy, D. Liang, C. Zhang, D. Huang, Z. Zhang, A. Y. Liu, A. Torres, D. Jung, A. C. Gossard, E. L. Hu, K. M. Lau, and J. E. Bowers, Optica, volume 4, Number 8, 940-944, 2017-08-04

Integrated finely tunable microring laser on silicon, D Liang, X Huang, G Kurczveil, M Fiorentino, RG Beausoleil, Nature Photonics 10 (11), 719-722, 2016

Thermal Management of Hybrid Silicon Ring Lasers for High Temperature Operation, C. Zhang, D. Liang, G. Kurczveil, J. E. Bowers, and R. G. Beausoleil, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol: 21 Issue: 6; pp: 1502607, 2015-11-01

Realization of an ultra-short silicon polarization beam splitter with an asymmetrical bent directional coupler, J Wang, D Liang, Y Tang, D Dai, JE Bowers, Optics letters 38 (1), 4-6, 2013

Low threshold electrically-pumped hybrid silicon microring lasers, D Liang, M Fiorentino, S Srinivasan, JE Bowers, RG Beausoleil, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 17 (6), 1528-1533, 2011

Recent progress in lasers on silicon, D Liang, JE Bowers, Nature photonics 4 (8), 511-517, 2010

III‐V/silicon photonics for on‐chip and intra‐chip optical interconnects, G Roelkens, L Liu, D Liang, R Jones, A Fang, B Koch, J Bowers, Laser & Photonics Reviews 4 (6), 751-779, 2010

Hybrid integrated platforms for silicon photonics, D Liang, G Roelkens, R Baets, JE Bowers, Materials 3 (3), 1782-1802, 2010

Electrically-pumped compact hybrid silicon microring lasers for optical interconnects, D Liang, M Fiorentino, T Okumura, HH Chang, DT Spencer, YH Kuo, Alexander W Fang, Daoxin Dai, Raymond G Beausoleil, John E Bowers, Optics express 17 (22), 20355-20364, 2009

Photonic integration: Si or InP substrates?, D Liang, JE Bowers, Electronics Letters 45 (12), 578-581, 2009

Highly efficient vertical outgassing channels for low-temperature InP-to-silicon direct wafer bonding on the silicon-on-insulator substrate, D Liang, JE Bowers, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena, 2008

Low-Temperature, Strong SiO2-SiO2 Covalent Wafer Bonding for III–V Compound Semiconductors-to-Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits, D Liang, AW Fang, H Park, TE Reynolds, K Warner, DC Oakley, John E Bowers, Journal of Electronic Materials 37, 1552-1559, 2008

Tunable and Frequency-Stabilized CO2 Waveguide Lasers, Y. Ma and D. Liang, Optical Engineering, SPIE, Vol. 41, No. 12, pp. 3319 – 3323, 2002-12-01

Study on a Bessel-Gaussian Beam LaserY, . Ma, Z. He and D. Liang, Optics & Laser Technology, Elsevier, B.V., Vol. 34, pp. 579 – 584, 2002-07-01

Conference Articles

Sub-mA threshold 1.3 µm CW lasing from electrically pumped micro-rings grown on (001) Si, Y. Wan, J. Norman, Q. Li, M. J. Kennedy, D. Liang, C. Zhang, D. Huang, A. Y. Liu, A. Torres, D. Jung, A. C. Gossard, E. L. Hu, Kei May Lau and J. E. Bowers, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, 2017-05-14

A Tunable Hybrid III-V-on-Si MOS Microring Resonator with Negligible Tuning Power Consumption, D. Liang, G. Kurzcveil, M. Fiorentino, S. Srinivasan, J. E. Bowers, R. G. Beausoleil, The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, 2016-03-20

High Temperature Hybrid Silicon Micro-ring Lasers with Thermal Shunts, C. Zhang, D. Liang, G. Kurczveil, J. E. Bowers, R. G. Beausoleil, Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics (CLEO)San Jose, CA, 2015-05-12

Coupling Device with Output Power Continuously Tunable ‘Laser-infrared Optical Fiber’ for Surgery, Y. Ma and D. Liang, International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, Vol. 2, pp. 570 – 572, 2002-08-01

Stimulation of Violet Lasers to Traditional Chinese Medicine Photosensitizer for Diagnosis of Early-stage Gastric Cancer, Y. Ma, D. Liang and L. Li, International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, Vol. 2, pp. 442 – 447, 2002-08-01

An Optical Characteristic Testing System for the Infrared Fiber, Y. Ma and D. Liang, International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, Vol. 2, pp. 565 – 569, 2002-08-01